Andrea Gomes

MEET Genia

“Everything we are starts from our wombs. Our wombs are beautiful, the driving force of creation.”

Growing up, I didn’t know my purpose. I had experienced so many tragic things in my life from molestation to being shamed for my sexuality, porn addiction, and then the worst tragedy – the transitioning of my oldest daughter at the age of 14 in 2015. I remember the day she left this earth and embraced her new life with The Father, Great Mother, and Yeshua. I laid on the floor rocking back and forth cradling my womb as I lay in tears. It was all I could do to ease the pain. I then at the age of 40 would learn that I was sowed in my mother’s womb by my father with selfish motives and lust, and as a result of his assault on my mother’s womb, my father told my mother to abort me.

Later on, in life, I would understand through all of these devastating occurrences my purpose and place on this earth, and that is to spiritually help not just myself, but my daughters and all women. To teach them how to not only respect their wombs but spiritually heal the trauma, guilt, heart, and shame residue that was left behind either by themselves or previous sexual partners.

It’s teaching women how to channel their feminine and sexual energy and own it. Being proud of their sexual energy doesn’t mean just sex but rather owning the power to create. This could be a baby, business, art, etc. Our wombs are beautiful, the driving force of creation. Everything we are starts from our wombs. And this includes men. Every man was born from a woman’s womb from a powerful place still connected to the spiritual world.

My hope is that I can bring innocence, love, joy, and back to what sexuality was always meant to always be. It all starts with ridding our wombs of the clutter and trash left behind and healing our wombs and understanding the power our wombs hold.

Blessings to you,
Yarrow Empress

The Butterfly Cycles of Faith

By Andrea Gomes

The Butterfly Cycles of Faith

- Mary Grace Hardy

The Butterfly Cycles of Faith, is a heartfelt book that can speak to many of us in various circumstances in our lives. You can definitely feel God’s presence in this book as your read through the different cycles the butterfly goes through to become this magnificent and beautiful butterfly. It takes you on a journey that many of us go through in life. It may not be exactly the same, but similar. The one thing that remains the same is the focus on God. He’s the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow! Throughout this book, Andrea reminds us that He loves us despite our flaws and if we allow Him into our hearts, we can feel His comfort, peace, and joy.

"Ms. Judy"

I was struck by Andrea’s authenticity and candor in revealing the depths of hurt and struggles she has endured. I had no idea what pains had been a part of your lifetime! Your reminder to be faithful and trust His plan is clearly evident and important to all readers who will surely be moved to tears throughout your retelling of many difficult experiences and the ultimate trial being Quiara’s passing. Andrea, I will always remember your response when I said to you that I couldn’t wait to read your book. You said, “I can’t wait to see what He’s writing, too!” All glory going to God! You are truly a humble servant whose obedience to His call has produced writing that will touch many who will appreciate your witness to the truth that can often become veiled in darkness when tragedy occurs.

Demetrius Earthly

Real, authentic, well written book. Truly great perspective of how one can view difficult situations that happens in our lives. I am 100% inspired by your faith in God.